Remote Strategists

The Ultimate Perk: A Remote Work Strategist

Planning to see the world by going Worksploring? Looking for assistance navigating your remote work adventure? Our Remote Work Strategists assist Worksploring members with things like tax rates, visa requirements, hardware and software recommendations, as well as travel plans. And for those looking at an upscale sabbatical, our specialists can address all of your luxury travel needs.

Our Remote Work Strategists offer a knowledgable staff to help answer your questions.

Introduce yourself

Remote Work Services & Benefits

Remote Work Services

Trained Remote Work Strategists
Company Policy Compliance
Visa and Tax Assistance
Variety of Travel Insurance Options
Discounted Booking Fees*
Complimentary Travel Upgrades*
Host Country Legal Requirements**
Hardware and Software Guidance
Worksploring Community

Employee and Company Benefits

Go-To Expertise for HR and for Employees
Risk Mitigation
Avoid Costly Missteps
Peace of Mind
Better Value & Experience
Legal Risk Mitigation
Time Savings and IT Compliance
Network of Resources for Navigating Remote Work

Connect With A Remote Work Strategist


Remote Work Strategist

One of our Remote Work Strategists, Mike assists clients with a variety of remote work needs from where to travel and how to stay compliant, to tax and visa issues.



Remote Work Strategist

One of our Remote Work Strategists, Madeleine assists clients with a variety of remote work needs from where to travel and how to stay compliant, to where the best events are.



Remote Work Strategist

One of our Remote Work Strategists, Brooks assists clients with a variety of remote work needs from off the beaten path locations and cultural gems to company compliant destinations.


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