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Membership options
Worksploring is the community for remote workers. Our goal is to bring together all of the information one needs to work anywhere in the world and put it in one place. Joining our community is easy and free. Just complete a profile online. For those that want to get more out of our platform, we offer different types of membership plans. Explore the options below for which one is right for you. Don’t see what you want or maybe your needs are different… reach out via our contact form.

$99 p/year
• post up to 50 jobs p/m
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$199 p/year
• post 100 jobs p/m
• featured listing
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$299 for life
• post 500 jobs p/m
• featured listing
• and more!
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Our base membership is free. It gives you the ability to view all kinds of basic information, search jobs, connect with our community, and tap into our resources. As you might expect, free membership does have its limitations.

Blue is our first paid tier of membership and is designed to fit most remote workers. It gives you access to nearly all of our city data, the ability to search and post jobs, deeper resource information, and more community functionality. This tier is perfect for those that are thinking about working somewhere else in the world and want instant access to the types of data that will influence their decision on where to work. When you buy an annual membership, you save 20%.

Plum Membership will include all of the great access and functionality of our Blue membership along with other benefits designed specifically for creators and influencers. The Plum Membership is included in our Worksploring Collaborative Program, a network of creators committed to advancing the world of remote work.

Our Platinum membership is designed for our partners as a way to offer new members a long term membership at one low price. Platinum Membership discounts can only be found through our partners, and include all of the benefits of a Blue Membership.